Monday, November 22, 2010

Essay 4 Rough Draft So Far ... Not complete

Why Not Buy An Electric Vehicle?
            Many people don’t realize that electric vehicles have been around since the early 1900’s and when they were first introduced they were serious competitors with the steam and combustible engine vehicles of their day (Anderson).  Experimenting with EV (electric vehicle) technology took a back seat with the onset of the depression and then World War II; and with the prosperous post-war economy, Americans were not focused on saving energy.  In the 1950’s, the US interstate highway system was created and electric cars could not meet the needs of distance travelers, especially since oil and gasoline were so abundant and inexpensive at the time.  It wasn’t until after the mid 20th century that people began to think about electric cars again as a possible solution to the growing concern over air quality, then again around the millennium when air pollution’s role in global warming became evident (Anderson).  Recently, the oil crisis and more federal money made available to sponsor EV and hybrid technology research has brought the long awaited arrival of electric automobiles being produced and sold by major automobile makers and purchased and driven by the general public – a present day reality.      
            Despite the many profound technological advances in EV technology, many people are still hesitant to invest in an electric car.  Meanwhile, the hybrid vehicle, a seemingly more marketable option, has become a growing trend.  Electric vehicles do have a following, however.  Some forward thinking consumers who have the environment’s best interest in mind have gone electric and the concept has been catching on across the U.S. and even more so in other countries around the world, primarily in Europe.  Despite the myths, the electric car is an up-and-coming, feasible alternative to the gas-powered vehicle.  Unbeknownst to most American consumers, there are many advantages of owning a modern electric vehicle including their contribution to a healthier planet, convenience, overall cost effectiveness, and even great style – definitely an option worth serious consideration when shopping for a new vehicle.
Perhaps the biggest argument against EV technology is the convenience factor, including limited range and power and the lack of an infrastructure that supports the public’s access to charging an EV battery.  Admittedly, the biggest challenge facing the EV industry has always been the limited distance some electric cars can be driven before their batteries need to be charged, compared to gasoline powered cars and even hybrid vehicles that only need a fill-up once or twice a week.  Commuter cars such as the Honda Civic can go for an average of about 330 miles before the gas tank hits the empty mark (2011 Honda), and the Chevy Aveo can go for about 350 miles (2011 Chevy).  While it’s true that Nissan’s new EV, the LEAF, requires recharging after traveling about 100 miles, the cost to charge its battery three or four times to travel the same 350 miles would still only be a fraction of the price of the gas, ,and can be as simple as plugging in overnight while everyone is asleep, just like a cell phone.  Some high end EV models, such as the Tesla Roadster, can go for 245 miles per charge (“Go Electric”).
Europe is the leader in providing infrastructure to support electric vehicles so far (Williams), but it is catching on here in America too.  In Houston, Texas, for instance, NRG Energy recently introduced a network of 150 public charging stations at various retail and business locations throughout the city and Houston suburbs (Knepp).  People can top off while shopping at Walgreens or Best Buy.  A third of the stations are capable of fully charging an EV in 30 minutes.  Others may choose to charge up while at work.  NRG Energy is offering its customers a deal – for just $49 per month, on a 3-year contract, the company will provide a 240-volt home charging station plus unlimited access to network stations and includes unlimited electricity (Knepp).  In Michigan, over 5,300 charging stations will be installed, some solar powered, with the release of the new Chevy Volt; and Chevy plans to open 1,500 new charging stations at Chevy dealerships across the U.S (“Michigan…”).
Paragraph 3.  Opponent argument.  Refute.
Section 2 – Earth Friendly:  1) Battery recycling (refute).  2) Coal burning to provide electricity (refute w/still less pollution/global warming effect than gas). 3) New gas car technology closing gap and improving their emissions output etc (refute w/limited fossil fuels available and dependence on foreign oil).
Paragraph 1.  Opponent argument.  Refute.
Paragraph 2.  Opponent argument.  Refute.
Paragraph 3.  Opponent argument.  Refute.
Section 3 – Cost-Effectiveness:  1) High initial cost (refute).  2) Cost to charge (refute).  3) Cost to maintain (refute).
Paragraph 1.  Opponent argument.  Refute. 
Paragraph 2.  Opponent argument.  Refute. 
Paragraph 3.  Opponent argument.  Refute. 
Section 4 – Style.  1) Look (refute).  2) Joy/Speed (refute).  3) Functionality for work & play (refute). 
Paragraph 1.  Opponent argument.  Refute.
Paragraph 2.  Opponent argument.  Refute.
Paragraph 3.  Opponent argument.  Refute.
Conclusion Paragraph.  “This an exciting time for developing new, cleaner technology for a positive approach to transportation and energy” (Anderson).  Cars have fascinated us since the 1800’s and have been used for work, leisure, prestige, and entertainment (Anderson).  Cars have been “interwoven into our society” and “both support and are shaped by the energy industry” (Anderson).  “Styles reflect personality and the versatility of our functional needs.”

Works Cited
"EPRI-NRDC Definitive Study: PHEVs Will Reduce Reduce Emissions If Broadly Adopted." California Cars Initiative for Plug-In Hybrids. Ed. Healther L. Hansen and Clay Perry. 19 July 2007. Web. 15 Nov. 2010. <>.
Knepp, Rex. "NRG Energy Announces Electric Car Charging Network for Houston - Houston Energy Industry |" Detroit 19 Nov. 2010. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. <>.
Anderson, Curtis D., and Judy Anderson. "The Birth of the Automobile Industry." Introduction. Electric and Hybrid Cars: a History. Second ed. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010. 3. Print.
"Nissan LEAF Electric Car." Nissan Cars, Hybrid, Trucks, Crossovers, SUVs | Year-End Sales Event | Nissan USA. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. <>.
"Chevrolet Dealer Locator Is a Seattle Chevrolet Dealer and a New Car and Used Car Seattle WA Chevrolet Dealership." Chevrolet Dealer Locator | Local Area Chevrolet Dealers. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. <>.
"Go Electric." Tesla Motors | Premium Electric Vehicles. 14 Oct. 2010. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. <>.
"2011 Honda Civic Coupe Overview - Official Site." Honda Cars - New and Certified Used Cars from American Honda. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. <>.
"2011 Chevy Aveo Compact Car Family | Hatchback & Sedan |" 2011 Cars, SUVs, Trucks, Crossovers & Vans | Chevrolet. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. <>.
Williams, David. "London 'to Become Europe's Electric Car Capital' - Telegraph." - Telegraph Online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph - Telegraph. 9 Nov. 2010. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. <>.
"Michigan to Get 5,300 Charging Stations for Electric Cars." - Science News, Technology, Physics, Nanotechnology, Space Science, Earth Science, Medicine. 13 Oct. 2010. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. <>.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Essay 4 - More links for sources / research

Tesla web site / info about electric cars and the environment:

to refute argument of "why not buy a hybrid vehicle instead?"

Incentives for going electric:

Common EV incentives include tax credits, rebates, free parking, and unrestricted access to high occupancy commuter lanes on major roadways.

"People don't want to sacrifice anything, including style, to own an efficient car."  Franz von Holzhausen, Chief Designer, Tesla Model S Roadster

Tesla Model S Roadsters starting price $101,500.00!!!  Woah!!!!!

A more down-to-earth model:  The Chevy Volt
starting price $33,500 -- definitely more reasonable!!:

"Electricity is an extremely affordable way to power a car - the average American pays less than 12 cents per kilowatt hour. Most people can commute gas-free and tailpipe emissions-free for about $1.50 of electricity per day.3 And that can add up to big savings."

2011 Chevrolet Volt

A book on electric and hybrid cars found on google books  "Electric and Hybrid Cars, A History, 2nd Edition":

p. 10 paragraph 2 -- summary of history of electric cars 20s to milleneum

Monday, November 15, 2010

Essay 4 Preliminary Outline & Questions

Why Not Buy An Electric Car?
Intro Paragraph:  Electric cars, once thought to be an idea for the future, have become a present day reality.  The fossile fuel crisis and concern for the environment have forced automobile makers to seek alternatives to gasoline and diesel-fueled cars.  Many countries are implementing charge stations and electric car purchases are increasing (***); however, many people are still hesitant to invest in an electric vehicle.  It’s too different.  Hybrids have become trendy.  Many people think of the electric car as ….; however, the electric cars of today are greatly improved….  Thesis Statement:  If consumers are interested in doing their part to help the environment, the electric car is an alternative that is environmentally friendly, convenient, and cost effective, despite the myths.
Section #1 - Paragraph #1:  Range/Charging/Convenience – Opponent’s viewpoint. 
Section #1 - Paragraph #2:  Refute.
Section #2 - Paragraph #1:  Pollution – Opponent’s viewpoint. 
Section #2 - Paragraph #2:  Refute.
Section #3 - Paragraph #1:  Cost (Initial cost/cost to charge/cost to maintain) – Opponents viewpoint. 
Section #3 - Paragraph #2:  Refute. 
Section #4 - Paragraph #1:  Don't have to sacrifice style & speed & joy of driving - Opponents viewpoint.
Section #4 - Paragraph #2:  Refute.
Conclusion paragraph.

  • A brief history / interesting facts regarding electric cars of the past?
  • Any major auto makers currently producing electric cars?  Which ones?
EVs:  Nissan Leaf, Chevy Volt, Tesla (high end), ..........
Populary Hybrids:  Toyota Prius, Honda Civic, and some SUV's like Toyota Highlander, Chevy Tahoe
  • How much do they cost to buy?
Tesla starts at $101,500.  Chevy Volt $33,500.  Nissan Leaf $27,280.
  • What is the average cost to maintain (maintenance/repairs/charging)?
Maintenance:  70% fewer moving parts, which means less maintenance = less cost.  "No oil changes or replacing items such as filters, fuel pumps, alternators, and the like."  (book).
Chevy Volt offers 8 yr/100000 mi battery warranty.
Charging:  $1.50 per day electric / no gas. (***).  From Tesla web site:

  • Are there other incentives (taxes, etc)?
Yes.  Rebates.  Tax credits.  HOV lane access. (***)
  • How are they charged?  Is it inconvenient/not feasible?
  • What is the distance and speed an electric car can go once fully charged?
  • Do electric cars really help reduce pollution and America's dependency on foreign oil / fossil fuels?  Evidence/Research?
  • Can the batteries be recycled?
  • What do modern day electric cars look like?  Are they still tiny and ugly like they used to be?

Why buy an electric car?

Exploring the topic of buying an electric car ... still a new concept, but one definitely worth looking into.

Found a link with some info to research (as a starting point) ...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Essay 3 Revision: Schizophrenia

Melodi L. Haller
Dr. Ken Kerr
November 4, 2010
            Mark Vonnegut, the now 63-year-old son of Kurt Vonnegut, a renowned 20th century American writer and artist (Reed), is a pediatrician and Harvard Medical School graduate (Gatehouse).  He is married with children and has just completed his latest memoir, Just Like Someone Without Mental Illness Only More So (Gatehouse), where he discusses how he has coped with his illness and reveals details of his childhood and telling genetic history.  Mark was diagnosed with Schizophrenia in 1971 when he was just 23 and is one of the rare individuals who has managed to live a relatively productive, successful, and happy life despite his condition (Gatehouse).  Not everyone diagnosed with schizophrenia is as fortunate as Mark.  Typically diagnosed in early adulthood, schizophrenia is a severe and debilitating mental illness with little known cause, the symptoms of which can go undetected or unreported for years.  Without an early diagnosis or proper and consistent treatment, Schizophrenia worsens over time, often leading to repeated, potentially dangerous mental breakdowns, homelessness, or suicide.
            Early signs of the condition may seem mild at first which makes early diagnosis and intervention difficult.  Initially, family members, friends, or co-workers might notice unusual behavior such as the loss of friends, poor grades in school, trouble trusting people, or odd ways of communicating (“Schizophrenia/Disorders”).  The person hearing voices or hallucinating may be afraid to tell anyone.  While symptoms usually increase over a period of 3 to 5 years, sometimes they begin suddenly over the course of only a few weeks (Zieman).  The affected individual may begin to have paranoid delusions, think that he has some type of special status such as Martians talking to him for example, or may see or feel objects or people that are not there (Zieman).  The symptoms are terrifying and can cause the afflicted to become unresponsive, agitated, and withdrawn (“Schizophrenia/Disorders”).  In its initial stages, symptoms of the disease affect how one thinks and feels and quickly spills out to observably odd behavior.
            If not treated, the disease can interfere with the individual’s day-to-day functioning and lead to the loss of one’s job, relationships, and dignity.  People with schizophrenia have trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy, expressing and managing normal emotions, and making decisions.  According to the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, paranoid schizophrenics usually have “feelings of extreme suspicion, persecution or grandiosity, or a combination of these” (“Schizophrenia/Disorders”).  Disorganized schizophrenics have incoherent thoughts but are not necessarily delusional.  Catatonic schizophrenics withdraw and isolate themselves.  Residual schizophrenics simply tend to lose their motivation or interest in life (“Schizophrenia/Disorders”).  Other symptoms of schizophrenia include:  psychomotor problems such as clumsiness, unusual mannerisms, or repetitive actions; inability to initiate or follow through on plans; neglecting personal hygiene and grooming; and problems with attention and memory (“Schizophrenia/Disorders”).  A psychotic episode or suicide attempt may land them in the hospital or in police custody.  Multiple relapses and remission cycles are common (“Schizophrenia/Disorders”).  While there is no cure for schizophrenia, it is treatable and manageable with medication and psychotherapy, especially if diagnosed early and treated continuously.  However, many patients aren’t consistent in taking their medication due to the long list of negative side effects, which can eventually have severe and tragic consequences.
Inpatient hospitalizations, homelessness, and suicide are all sadly prevalent outcomes of the disease when untreated.  People with schizophrenia may not be able to hold onto a job or pay a mortgage, resulting in homelessness.  According to Treatment Advocacy Center in Alexandria Virginia, in 2004, approximately 200,000 individuals with schizophrenia or manic-depressive illness were homeless in the U.S., about one-third of the total homeless population, and approximately 90,000 were in hospitals receiving treatment (“Facts”).  It is estimated that approximately 10% of people with schizophrenia commit suicide in the first 10 years of the illness (“Schizophrenia/Disorders”).  Depression, which may also lead to drug and alcohol abuse, is also very common in schizophrenics; this makes the disease more difficult or impossible to treat.  However, research is being done to find markers, such as abnormal brain scans, that can help detect the disease early, allowing for quicker interventions (“Schizophrenia/Disorders”) and providing some hope to those affected.  In his interview with Mark Vonnegut, Jonathan Gatehouse reports “Vonnegut sees progress.  In the public sphere, society has become more accepting of mental illness in the decades since he wrote his first memoir” (Gatehouse); and “he hopes for more improvement.”  Vonnegut says “One positive change would be taking the focus off hair-splitting diagnoses and putting it on patient care.”
            Schizophrenia is almost always a lifelong disorder (Zieman), and “going crazy is … a destructive process” says Vonnegut.  Schizophrenia is a complex and devastating disease that researchers are working toward curing.  Physicians and scientists have made great strides these past few years in learning more about the causes and effects of the disease using PET scans and MRIs to detect abnormalities in the brains of schizophrenic patients (Zieman).  The bottom line is that if patients are diagnosed early enough and are consistently receiving the proper treatment, it is possible for them to lead relatively stable and productive lives. 

Works Cited
Fact and Statistics.”, In-depth Schizophrenia Information and Support. 2004. Web. 28 Oct. 2010. <>.
Gatehouse, Jonathon. “Escaping the Strait Jacket.” MAS Ultra - School Edition. EBSCOhost, 18 Oct. 2010. Web. 26 Oct. 2010.  <http://
Reed, Peter. "Kurt Vonnegut." -- The Official Website of Kurt Vonnegut. 2007. Web. 26 Oct. 2010. <>.
“Schizophrenia / Disorders / NARSAD.” Narsad / The Brain and Behavior Research Fund. Sept. 2010. Web. 26 Oct. 2010. <>.
“Schizophrenia.”  Columbia Encyclopedia. EBSCOhost. Web. 16 Oct. 2010. <>.
Zieman, Ph.D., Gayle. Schizophrenia in Children and Teens. Publication no. 36255587. EBSCOhost. Web. 26 Oct. 2010. <

Monday, November 1, 2010

Checking the Credibility of Sources Workshop (for Essay 3)

Monday, November 1st - Class Workshop - Checking the Credibility of Sources
  1. Determine the credibility of each source (i.e., author identified, publication date, sponsoring organization biased or balanced?, primary or secondary source).
  2. Explain why.
  3. Will you keep this source?

Works Cited
Fact and Statistics.”, In-depth Schizophrenia Information and Support. 2004. Web. 28 Oct. 2010.
This source is probably not a good primary source but probably is credible.  The author of the specific page/information listed is not identified.  There is no specific publication date listed.  I am unsure if the sponsoring organization is biased or balanced.  It seems balanced because it is a nonprofit organization that provides the reader with information and statistics to inform them about schizophrenia (its main purpose) and they use "good sources of scientifically accurate materials relating to schizophrenia and frequently consult with an ever growing group of schizophrenia researchers who act as unofficial advisors to the site" and "schizophrenia researchers who help on an unofficial basis by answering our questions and occasionally providing feedback on different areas of the site."  This source is a secondary source with almost all of its information coming from other sources (which are listed/linked).  It seems to be a good place to start for general information where I can go directly to the sources they use which are probably primary sources.  I would keep this as a source for my essay, but should not quote it.
Gatehouse, Jonathon. “Escaping the Strait Jacket.” MAS Ultra - School Edition. EBSCOhost, 18 Oct. 2010. Web. 26 Oct. 2010.  http://http//
This is a good credible primary source, although I cannot get to the article by clicking on the link provided since I found it on EBSCOhost which is a database that you need to provide a password for to get into.  I don't think I cited it correctly.  The author is identified (Jonathon Gatehouse).  A publication date is given (October 18, 2010).  The magazine that it was originally published in (McLean's) is apparently a well known news magazine in Canada, then published on-line in the EBSCOhost database, which is an unbiased source.  It is a primary source since it is an interview with the individual who is the subject of the article and who is highlighted in my essay.  I would keep this as a source for my essay, but I need to figure out how to properly cite it in my paper.

Reed, Peter. "Kurt Vonnegut." -- The Official Website of Kurt Vonnegut. 2007. Web. 26 Oct. 2010.
This source is not a primary but still a credible source.  The author is identified.  The publication date is not identified.  I am unsure of whether or not the sponsoring organization is biased or unbiased.  It provides information about the subject of my essay, but the information I used on the web site was actually reprinted from another article, the source of which is cited on the web site; so I suppose that makes this a secondary source, not a primary source.  I would keep this as a source for my essay or look up the primary source given and use that instead.

“Schizophrenia / Disorders / NARSAD.” Narsad / The Brain and Behavior Research Fund. Sept. 2010. Web. 26 Oct. 2010.
This is probably a credible source, but not a primary source.  The author is not identified.  The publication date is not identified.  The sponsoring organization is likely biased since they are trying to raise funds for their research - which is the research/information they provide on the web site.  I would keep this as a source, but recognize that it may be biased.

“Schizophrenia.”  Columbia Encyclopedia. EBSCOhost. Web. 16 Oct. 2010.
This is a good credible primary source, although I cannot get to the article by clicking on the link provided since I found it on EBSCOhost which is a database that you need to provide a password for to get into.  I don't think I cited it correctly.  The author is not identified.  The publication date is identified (October 16, 2010).  The sponsoring organization is unbiased since it is a research database.  It is a primary source.  I would keep this as a source in my essay.

Zieman, Ph.D., Gayle. Schizophrenia in Children and Teens. Publication no. 36255587. EBSCOhost. Web. 26 Oct. 2010.
This is a good credible source and I would keep it as a source for my essay.  I may need to correctly cite it.

Essay 3: Schizophrenia

Melodi L. Haller
Dr. Ken Kerr
October 28, 2010
            Mark Vonnegut, the now 63-year-old son of Kurt Vonnegut, a renowned 20th century American writer and artist (Reed), is a pediatrician and Harvard Medical School graduate (Gatehouse).  He is married with children and has just completed his latest memoir, Just Like Someone Without Mental Illness Only More So (Gatehouse), where he discusses how he has coped with his illness and reveals details of his childhood and telling genetic history.  Mark was diagnosed with Schizophrenia in 1971 when he was just 23 and is one of the rare individuals whom as managed to live a relatively productive, successful, and happy life despite his condition (Gatehouse).  Not everyone diagnosed with schizophrenia is as fortunate as Mark.  Typically diagnosed in early adulthood, schizophrenia is a severe and debilitating mental illness with little known cause, the symptoms of which can go undetected or unreported for years.  Without an early diagnosis or proper and consistent treatment, Schizophrenia worsens over time, often leading to repeated, potentially dangerous mental breakdowns, homelessness, or suicide.
            Early signs of the condition may seem mild at first which makes early diagnosis and intervention difficult.  Initially, family members, friends, or co-workers might notice unusual behavior such as the loss of friends, poor grades in school, trouble trusting people, or odd ways of communicating (Schizophrenia / Disorders).  The person hearing voices or hallucinating may be afraid to tell anyone.  While symptoms usually increase over a period of 3 to 5 years, sometimes they begin suddenly over the course of only a few weeks (Zieman).  He or she will begin to have paranoid delusions or think that they have some type of special status, “like Martians talking to them” (Zieman).  The affected individual may see or feel objects or people that are not there (Zieman).  The symptoms are “terrifying to those afflicted and can make them unresponsive, agitated or withdrawn” (Schizophrenia / Disorders).  In its initial stages, symptoms of the disease affect how one thinks and feels and quickly spills out to observably odd behavior.
            If not treated, the disease can interfere with the individual’s day-to-day functioning and lead to the loss of one’s job, relationships, and dignity.  People with schizophrenia have trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy, expressing and managing normal emotions, and making decisions.  Paranoid schizophrenics usually have feelings of “extreme suspicion, persecution or grandiosity, or a combination of these” (Schizophrenia / Disorders).  Disorganized schizophrenics have incoherent thoughts but are not necessarily delusional.  Catatonic schizophrenics withdraw and isolate themselves.  Residual schizophrenics simply tend to lose their motivation or interest in life (Schizophrenia / Disorders).  Other symptoms of schizophrenia include:  psychomotor problems such as clumsiness, unusual mannerisms, or repetitive actions; inability to initiate or follow through on plans; neglecting personal hygiene and grooming; and problems with attention and memory (Schizophrenia / Disorders).  A psychotic episode or suicide attempt may land them in the hospital or in police custody.  Multiple relapses and remission cycles are common (Schizophrenia / Disorders) and, while there is no cure for schizophrenia, it is treatable and manageable with medication and psychotherapy, especially if diagnosed early and treated continuously.  However, many patients aren’t consistent in taking their medication due to the long list of negative side affects, which can eventually have severe and tragic consequences.
Inpatient hospitalizations, homelessness, and suicide are all sadly prevalent outcomes of the disease when untreated.  People with schizophrenia may not be able to hold onto a job or pay a mortgage, resulting in homelessness.  According to Treatment Advocacy Center in Alexandria Virginia, in 2004, approximately 200,000 individuals with schizophrenia or manic-depressive illness were homeless in the U.S., about one-third of the total homeless population, and approximately 90,000 were in hospitals receiving treatment (“Facts”).  It is estimated that approximately 10% of people with schizophrenia commit suicide in the first 10 years of the illness (Schizophrenia / Disorders).  Depression, which may also lead to drug and alcohol abuse, is also very common in schizophrenics which makes the disease more difficult or impossible to treat.  However, research is being done to find markers, such as abnormal brain scans, that can help detect the disease early, allowing for quicker interventions (Schizophrenia / Disorders) and providing some hope to those affected.  In his interview with Mark Vonnegut, Jonathan Gatehouse reports “Vonnegut sees progress.  In the public sphere, society has become more accepting of mental illness in the decades since he wrote his first memoir” (Gatehouse); and “he hopes for more improvement.”  Vonnegut says “One positive change would be taking the focus off hair-splitting diagnoses and putting it on patient care.”
            Schizophrenia is almost always a life long disorder (Zieman), and “going crazy is … a destructive process” says Vonnegut.  Schizophrenia is a complex and devastating disease that researchers are working toward curing.  Physicians and scientists have made great strides these past few years in learning more about the causes and effects of the disease using PET scans and MRIs to detect abnormalities in the brains of schizophrenic patients (Zieman).  The bottom line is that if patients are diagnosed early enough and are consistently receiving the proper treatment, it is possible for them to lead relatively stable and productive lives. 

Works Cited
Fact and Statistics.”, In-depth Schizophrenia Information and Support. 2004. Web. 28 Oct. 2010. <>.
Gatehouse, Jonathon. “Escaping the Strait Jacket.” MAS Ultra - School Edition. EBSCOhost, 18 Oct. 2010. Web. 26 Oct. 2010.  <http://
Reed, Peter. "Kurt Vonnegut." -- The Official Website of Kurt Vonnegut. 2007. Web. 26 Oct. 2010. <>.
“Schizophrenia / Disorders / NARSAD.” Narsad / The Brain and Behavior Research Fund. Sept. 2010. Web. 26 Oct. 2010. <>.
“Schizophrenia.”  Columbia Encyclopedia. EBSCOhost. Web. 16 Oct. 2010. <>.
Zieman, Ph.D., Gayle. Schizophrenia in Children and Teens. Publication no. 36255587. EBSCOhost. Web. 26 Oct. 2010. <